Labels:book | bulletin board | collection | person | poster | table | windowpane OCR: POCAHONTAS Satisfaction Guaranteed SCREEN SCENES ENTER THE WORLD OF AN AMERICAN LEGEND A sparkling rive beckani ancient forests And the magnificrocr of an untamed land unfolds i icene after itene 40 brillian magei brine ths beaty Disney Pocahonta comgute xreen Wallpaper and icreen saver functions light up you screen while you work -an protect it when you step away High above the river EUO? Images automatically resize to fill any streen Customize timing frequency and transitions to create variety of visual effects Turn any image into challenging puzzle Minimum WINDOWS: 386SX-25 5MHz or 4MB RAM DISNEE INTER System 3.5"HD Disks faster processor 5MB free disl space ACTIVE Requirements Microsof Windows 3. 256 color display or later Developed by Portland Software Inc, Published by Disney Interac ...